All long floors
Info: All bullets are gradually re-measured . This sometimes leads to different...
Bullets containing tin
The addition of tin makes the lead bullets harder and therefore easier...
caliber .264 to .320
Here you will find all types of bullets (bullets, long bullets, maxi...
caliber .321 to .380
Here you will find all types of bullets (bullets, long bullets, maxi...
Caliber .36 to .369
Info: All bullets are gradually re-measured . This sometimes leads to different...
caliber .381 to .440
Here you will find all types of bullets (bullets, long bullets, maxi...
caliber .441 to .460
Here you will find all types of bullets (bullets, long bullets, maxi...
Caliber .453
Info: All bullets are gradually re-measured . This sometimes leads to different...
Caliber .457 to .458
Info: All bullets are gradually re-measured . This sometimes leads to different...
Caliber .459
Info: All bullets are gradually re-measured . This sometimes leads to different...
caliber .461 to .520
Here you will find all types of bullets (bullets, long bullets, maxi...
Caliber .50 to .509
Info: All bullets are gradually re-measured . This sometimes leads to different...
caliber .521 to .580
Here you will find all types of bullets (bullets, long bullets, maxi...
Caliber .57 to .579
Info: All bullets are gradually re-measured . This sometimes leads to different...
Caliber .58 to .589
Info: All bullets are gradually re-measured . This sometimes leads to different...
caliber .581 to .640
Here you will find all types of bullets (bullets, long bullets, maxi...
hollow floor bullets
Info: All bullets are gradually re-measured . This sometimes leads to different...
lead bullets
Info: All bullets are gradually re-measured . This sometimes leads to different...
Projectiles for muskets
Info: All bullets are gradually re-measured . This sometimes leads to different...